I don't care about Brittney's nails, any woman who hooks up with a chap who refers to her as one of his bitches
The list brought up two thoughts. The first is that my highly intelligent, young, professional daughter recently confided in mi esposa that she is a Brittney Spears fan. Not just a fan, but a "huge fan". It is amazing, the things that kids say, even adult kids whom you think you know. I would have been less surprised had she said that she is a closet Trekkie or that she is being treated for an addiction to cole slaw. Brittney? Isn't being a Brittney fan like looking up to the trailer park gang from My Name is Earl?
The second reflection is a further bit of consternation, this one as to why Cameron Diaz would want to remind the world that she demurs when it comes to selecting underwear. Cameron has always seemed to me to be quite charismatic, and she has taken modest thespian skills a long way. She is also pleasantly attractive, though not overly endowed in the hooter department. Cameron also seems to always accomodate with a knockercentric photo pose. I am, therefore, casting my vote that Cameron Diaz, no, she should not start wearing a bra in 2009.
As for my own New Year's resolutions, I don't make any. I make resolutions along the way, throughout the year, each time I find some issue worth resolving about. For example, every few months I resolve to cut back on the number of f-bombs that I drop, cutting back to maybe a couple of hundred a day. Likewise, I frequently resolve to avoid things and people that annoy me, and by acting on those things in real time instead of waiting for a new year, I keep my pissed-off quotient manageable, most of the time. Some of the time, anyway.
I frequently resolve to try to enjoy life's moments more frequently, and I have success with this in spurts. This resolution leads to surrounding oneself with people that make life enjoyable, and likewise accepting that some folks are simply assholes and deserve whatever misery is their current lot.
That's it. Brittney, bitches and boobs. Just another happy day.