Showing posts with label The Office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Office. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Favorite TV Characters

Almost every one of us spends a lot of time staring at TV. It's entertainment, information, a fifty yard line seat, background noise and more. There's thousands of performers that come thru our homes over thousands of hours. Some characters stand out from the crowd. Here's my top 5 male TV characters. Who's yours?

5. Fred Mertz
Fred was living large way while his TV peers were slaving away. No kids, no job, no problem...other than Ethel.
4. Dwight Schrute
The psychotic, intensely loyal and potentially lethal wingman on The Office. Every boss should have a Dwight.

3. Kramer
Cosmo Kramer sold his memoirs to Peterman, coached a Miss America contestant, adopted a highway and drove the dealer's demo car the furthest past empty ever. He launched a rickshaw company with Newman, fed the carriage horse a can of pork 'n beans, moved in with the Costanzas, and became the MoviePhone guy. There's more, too much more.

2. Barney Fife

Mayberry's #2 lawman has timeless moments. There's Barney singing "Juanita" to the diner waitress on the ancient courthouse phone, Barney's "here at The Rock we have 2 rules" speech to a prisoner, and every time he went up against Ernest T. Bass. Oh, yeah, can't forget the time he registered at a hotel as Barney Fife, M.D. Stands for Mayberry Deputy, Ange.

1. Homer SimpsonHomer has had incredible adventures during his 15 years as Everyman, way too many to recount. My all time favorite is when he purposely became legally obese in order to work from home, then got a bobbing stork toy to do his job for him. Homer's best quality: he's made millions and millions for the guy who draws him and the guy who is Homer's voice.

Send me your favorites. Tomorrow, my top 5 female TV characters.