Thursday, April 2, 2009

World Autism Day

Today is World Autism Day. The facts below were taken from the AACTION website, (AACTION stands for "Autism Awareness Campaign Through International Organizations Networking.") A friend of mine is very involved in this organization. Take a few minutes to check out their website. Another organization to check out is Autism Speaks,

"Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior, all exhibited before a child is three years old.

1 in 150 individuals are diagnosed with autism. It is more common than Down Syndrome or childhood cancer.

There is no known cure for autism. Early intervention can dramatically increase IQ and language ability. Unfortunately, many countries lack the tools and training to identify children with autism. In some cultures there is not even a word for “autism” in their native language.
Despite misinformation around the globe, autism is not caused by bad parenting. Autism is not a mental illness. Children with autism are not unruly kids who choose not to behave. Furthermore, no known psychological factors in the development of the child have been shown to cause autism. It is generally accepted that autism is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function.
There are millions of people around the world that have autism and are not identified and are not receiving proper medical and/or educational interventions. Sadly, many of these individuals are severely mistreated or outcast from society."

On another note, big news across the pond. The Queen Mum hugged Michelle Obama. Crazy stuff happening these days.

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