Nobody said anything about the other heroes.
I cannot imagine that the guys who drive the water taxis (and yes, I know they are licensed commercial captains, not just some group of yahoos in bass boats) have every been told to expect to go to the rescue of an airplane in the Hudson River. But when the moment arrived, these guys were right there.
New Yorkers are amazing.
My coworker's sister-in-law is a flight attendant. While we discussed this crash (and how on our flight from Chicago to Nevada it is highly unlikely we crash in a body of water), he told us that while some planes only have seat cushion flotation devices for passengers, the flight crew always has life vests. During training, the flight crew is told that seat cushions are only buoyant for about 2 hours. So, if the flight crew is bobbing around in the water with cushion-floating passengers for a time period of about 1.5 hours, protocal is to begin to swim away from the cushion-floaters. As passengers realize that their cushions are starting to sink, they will grab onto the flight attendants in life vests and eventually drag them down too. How about that.
Did you know that flight attendants are also instructed to scan the manifest to determine my seat location so they can hit me with the beverage cart? If I am not in an aisle seat, they are directed to give me much ice, little pop. Ask your coworker, he can verify this.
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