Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twelve Days of Christmas Images, #1


Anonymous said...

A more appropriate #1 image of Christmas I cannot imagine ~ Happy Festivus for the rest of us indeed !!

As the years progress, I find Fesitvus to be the way to go.

I will set out the pole in the backyard if I can manage to wedge it through all the water and ice accumulated by the nasty water drainage problem due to our friend to the West ~ and I'd have you guys bring out some pine boughs; however, you haven't any this year due again to our friend to the West. There we go ~ 2 grievances aired !

Happy Festivus !


What a grand idea! We do have pine boughs, frozen and dead upon the ground where the Alpine Killer left them.

Once we've concluded the legal proceedings to force restoration of the trees, it may appropriate to put together a consortium to litigate a forced restortation of the proper grade in the area.

I'm thinkin' stroke.