Showing posts with label Oscar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oscar. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oscar Rewind

This was an unusual year for Oscar in our house because we had actually seen some of the movies this year. As a result I was able to recognize some of the people who were being interviewed. I confess that I normally need a spotter next to me in the living room to explain why most of the people are being touted as celebrities. They look familiar (mug shots?) but most of them, I don't know why they're there.

This year's red carpet had some unusual guests. There was the foursome from Slumdog Millionaire, all of whom were clearly thrilled to be a part of the party. Slumdog is a really good movie; well worth a couple of hours of your time. Watching the Slumdog stars respond to Ryan Seascrest's inquiries was fun, but it also pointed ouy the limitations that Seacrest has as an interviewer. He's a chatty fellow, and he's persistent and energetic, but he's not going to be accused of being clever, and the numerous speech affectations that he offers up (e.g. pronouncing anything in Spanish, he's somewhere between Ricky Ricardo and Don Francisco, if the two of them were dweeby little snots) make you want to give him a smack.

Part of Seacrest's job was to hand off the coverage the people in the "sky box". One of the two up there, wherever "up there" was, was a woman, Juliana Rancic, who was relatively innocuous, aside from being stalker-level excited when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie arrived. Brad & AJ are clearly the reigning Hollywood glam couple, so a lot of folks share the excitement. Juliana's skybox partner was an extremely flaming gay guy with a platinum colored flat top hair cut wearing a dinner jacket and wielding an electric pen who was all about the dresses that the stars and pretenders were wearing. Think John Madden excitement crossbred with Will & Grace swish. When gay announcer guy (sorry, I couldn't find his name) got to Penelope Cruz and Jessica Biel and their dresses, he got so excited I thought he'd float right off his perch.

The show itself was the best in recent memory. Hugh Jackman was excellent, the format of having five former winners introduce nominees was an excellent addition and despite all the improvements I feel asleep before the show ended.

That is all.