Friday, April 24, 2009

Commute Week, Part V

There are stories of commutes out there, I'm tellin' you, there are horror stories. If you haven't had enough of this stuff, Quaker State Motor Oil is running a contest to determine who has the worst commute. Go to to watch videos of the entries--or enter the contest yourself.

There's a guy who won a national contest a couple years ago. He was driving 186 miles each way from Mariposa to San Jose, California, to his job as an electrical engineer. He loves his job, his family likes the ranch where they live. The guy was spending 7 hours per day driving. Nuts.

So, commutes are tough. They're too long, too expensive, bad on your disposition and health. Working from home is an option for just a few. The harsh reality is that people have to make individual choices. Trading time for cash...that's why they call it work.

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