Monday, September 15, 2008

Today, A Guest Author for Sarah, Part IV

Football scores will have to wait for tomorrow. I'm pleased and proud to present here the work of one of my favorite writers.
Here is an open letter about Sarah Palin from your left-leaning daughter. I almost left it at “I don’t think you can trust anyone who attends a church service at which people legitimately think the Holy Spirit overtakes them and causes them to speak in tongues. Haven’t you seen Borat?” but one thing led to another, and I got rather long winded.

5) She resembles a real-life version of Martha Generic, the mom from the cartoon Bobby’s World. If you don’t know what Bobby’s world is, watch this You Tube Clip: (She appears approximately 15 or so seconds into the clip.) I realize this is a superficial reason, but after 8 years with a President that possesses communication skills that pale in comparison to Koko, the signing gorilla, a VP that might legitimately yell “Fer cryin’ in the mud, Putin, can’t you just relax over dair in the Caucasus? Dontcha know we can all get along?” genuinely turns my stomach.

4) She praised her daughter’s “decision” to have her baby. Wait just a tic there, Sarah, aren’t you fervently pro-life? What decision are you referring to? If it were up to Palin, the decision would be that of the government. Palin’s stance that sex ed classes in schools should be sacked in favor of abstinence-only teachings seems a little ridiculous when her daughter went out and got knocked up as soon as she was old enough to venture out of the igloo alone. You’d think Palin would have tried out her abstinence-only education at home before preaching it to the masses as a solution for teen pregnancy. Currently the evidence seems to indicate that this method of sex education is entirely ineffective. (And, as a side note, why does John McCain insist that he knew that Bristol was preggers and chose Palin anyway? Come on, he’s a republican for God’s sake, of course he didn’t know! Well, in his defense, he may have known at one time and forgotten…he is 72 years old.)

3) Palin opposes gay rights. So, she essentially thinks that the government should not only be able to tell women what they can do with their bodies, but it can also tell people whether or not they can marry the person they love. Let’s see here. I think one of the principles that lie at the foundation of this country is the separation of church and state. The assertion that marriage is between a man and a woman has its basis in religion, and this belief has woven its way into our laws, which seems a little contradictory. Now, ignoring all I’d like to say about Palin’s Pentecostal past, she has adamantly stated that she won’t let her beliefs affect her policy (wait, didn’t she ask churchgoers to pray for the Alaska pipeline (before she switched her stance on it)?), so her religious beliefs shouldn’t overshadow the fact that opposing gay marriage infringes on the human rights of gays, and as marriage is a legal institution, it really doesn’t matter what the Bible says about it.

Now I realize that this doesn’t directly relate, but I’m talking about marriage here, so I’d like to touch on the future union of Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin. Palin has actually exhibited some consistency in policy here. She contends that government should have the final say in who a person can and cannot marry. As governor of Alaska, I guess she has the say on whether or not Levi will take her daughter’s hand in marriage. You think that Levi wants to get hitched? Come on, we all know that Palin held her hunting rifle to the poor guy’s head and told him just how she’d field dress his corpse if he didn’t. (His Myspace page, before it was taken down, contained the quote: "I'm a f**kin' redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some sh*t and just f**kin' chillin' I guess. Ya f*ck with me I'll kick ass." Move over Bristol, this guy sounds like a catch!) Oh Levi, you should have chosen another young Inuit lady with whom to get your groove on.

2) She is trying to win votes by representing the “Everymom.” Excuse me, but I don’t know many women who would travel to Texas a month before giving birth to deliver a speech, despite the fact that she was actually leaking amniotic fluid at the time (graphic, but true). She returned to work a mere three days after giving birth to her youngest child. Three days! Someone needs to tell this woman that of all the air-tight excuses to not go to work, giving birth is one of the best. Now Republicans are crying “Double Standard! Sexism! No one would say these things about a man running for office!” Well, yes, that’s probably true. But face it, there is a double standard and I’m sorry, but it’s not going away. (This is why I refuse to participate in our Women’s Initiative. I’m sick of hearing the “You can do it all!” speech from high powered corporate women, when in reality, you can do it all only if you can exist on 3 hours of sleep and have the means to employ a full time nanny or have a stay-at-home-husband, and don’t really care if you do or do not see your kids before they go to bed each night. Of course, if you should choose not to have a family at all, doing it all becomes infinitely easier.) Furthermore, it would be a lot easier for a man to go to work three days after his child was born, than for the woman that actually birthed the kid to be back at it. Further, let’s be honest here, she’s not at the apex of her political career – she’s been governor for like ten minutes – why throw her family into the spotlight now? If she waited four years, her newborn would be a toddler and Bristol would be married off, without anyone batting an eye at her shotgun wedding. To be honest, I think that the poor timing issue is applicable because she is a parent, not because she’s a female.

1) Republicans complain about Obama’s lack of experience. Palin even made fun of it during her speech at the RNC. She ridiculed the time he spent as a community organizer. That was 20 years ago! She was running a fishing business and attending PTA meetings. She was a mayor of a small town up until 3 years ago. Obama might be inexperienced but at least he was in the Senate when she was building her resume as the mayor of Wasilla. As mayor and as governor, she says she has experience with budgeting and dealing with bureaucrats. Sarah, we’re talking lower-48 here. I don’t know what you consider budgeting, but we use the dollar down here - we won’t be financing any major projects by bartering with pelts or whale blubber. Further, Palin has ties to the Alaska Independence Party, which has pushed for Alaska’s secession from the U.S. And she’ll be our VP? (McCain, I thought you put your country first? Did you overlook Palin’s association with the AIP, or forget?) Also, why does she think she can claim she has foreign policy experience, just because she’s in charge of the Alaskan National guard? Hey lady, just because you are next to Canada, and somewhat close to Russia, does not automatically give you foreign policy credentials. Finally, McCain has admitted himself that economics is not his strongest suit (great, since the economy is in fantastic shape!), and Palin doesn’t strengthen his ticket in this respect either. Speaking about the Fannie / Freddie takeover, Palin stated the lending companies “had gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.” Palin, I’m sorry that the pre-VP-debate cram session hasn’t gotten you up to speed yet, but prior to the takeover Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were private companies, and the $50 or so billion takeover is what will cost taxpayers. You should probably take an econ class or two.Now, I understand that people justify Palin’s lack of experience by saying that she’ll be #2 on the ticket, whereas Obama will be #1. That’s true; however, let’s not forget that John McCain is 72. Nine of 44 VP’s have become president during their time in office. Further, the average male life expectancy is about 75. McCain would be about 72.5 years old when he took office if elected, and if he lives an average-length life, he’d only make it through 2.5 years of his term. So, really, she’s #1.625 on the ticket. Hopefully, Palin’s a quick learner. (Now I realize that McCain’s mother is 96, and based on how she shot out of her seat at the RNC, she seems to still be quite spry. However, if you looked closely, she looked kind of like she might be an animatronic figure from a Disney ride, operated by someone behind the scenes to fool us all. I bet they even were able to make her say “Down with pork-barrelling and corruption!” and “John McCain would rather lose an election than let his country lose a war!” in case anyone doubted she was a real person.)
In summation, Obama-Biden 2008!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll copy and paste this and send it to everyone in my address book. Bravo!!! I'd put my money on the guest author to debate Sarah. Now there's a sure thing if you're inclined to put something on it.


Come on over for some family fun when Dad and Daughter debate. Helmets are optional.