Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good Morning, Tubby

Men’s Health Magazine reviewed the worst breakfast foods, and the results are enough to make you lose your appetite. Eating breakfast is important: you’ll eat less over the course of a day, start off your day sharper, there’s a laundry list of good things that come from taking time for a morning meal.

While I have plenty of bad habits, junk food for breakfast is not among them. I have been in the habit for a long time of making regular old boring oatmeal for breakfast in the microwave most every morning. My son has adopted the habit, too. It takes 7 minutes to prepare. The stats:

Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, a ½ cup serving
150 calories, 3 g fat, 0 mg sodium
We make a 1/3 cup, so it's less. It's boring, butt...If you cruise the drive-thru for your eye opener, beware! Here are some of the gut bombs:
Worst Side Dish: Burger King Hash Browns – Large
620 calories, 40 g fat, 1,200 mg sodium and 60 g carbs, too…and this is a side dish!
But you can order a diet soda to go with it. Ugh.

Worst Breakfast Sandwich: Hardee’s Monster Biscuit
710 calories, 51 g fat, 2,250 mg sodium, 37 g carbs
A friend of mine has a fat brother-in-law whom he calls “Biscuit”. Fits.

Worst Kids Meal: Denny’s Big Dipper French Toastix with margarine and syrup
770 calories, 71 g fat, 107 g carbs
Nothing like a bunch of fat little kids jaked on sugar to make a happy family and a happy day.

Worst Pastry: Cinnabon Classic Cinnamon Roll
813 calories, 32 g fat, 117 g carbs
Don’t forget to lick the gooey stuff off the wrapper to get the full impact.

Worst Combo Meal: McDonald’s Deluxe Breakfast
1,360 calories, 64 g fat, 2,325 mg sodium, 160 g carbs, 49 g sugars
This one touches all the bases. You get a biscuit, hash browns, hotcakes and syrup. Why not grab two, in case you’re hungry later?

Worst Omelet: IHOP Big Steak Omelet
1,490 calories
IHOP didn’t provide all the other numbers. If your opening bid is 1,490, why go any further? You get steak, cheese and hash browns…and in about 45 minutes, a big gross burp. Sorry, no drive-thru service for this one.

The Worst Breakfast in America: Bob Evans Stacked and Stuffed Caramel Banana Pecan Hotcakes
1,543 calories, 77 g fat, 2,259 g sodium, 198 g carbs, 109 g sugars
OK, this is not a drive-thru breakfast, either. You have to lumber in, find a sturdy chair and order this creation, so stay in your car and you’re safe. Just be careful in the parking lot, ‘cause the people who just ate this don’t move too fast.


Anonymous said...

My Mom was born in 1922, so it goes without saying that I was raised with different nutritional standards than most of us live by today. She grew up in a family with 8 kids and no father, and the landlord would lend them 5 cents to buy a loaf of bread, and eating it plain couldn't compare to spreading some lard on it. My Mom used to make us Oatmeal and Cream of Wheat all the time, and right before she put it on the table, she dropped a big gob of butter in the middle and sprinkled a tablespoon of sugar all over the top.


We had the can of bacon grease on the stove, ready for any emergency need to fry something.